Judith Butler & Sunaura Taylor segment from the film Examined Life, directed by Astra Taylor
CAMP has been included in numerous book publications including:
Capitalism On Edge by Dr. Albena Azmanova, Columbia University Press
Urban Scrawl: The Written Word in Street Art by Lou Chamberlin
The Mission by Dick Evans
Staying with the Trouble by Donna J. Haraway
Street Messages by Nicholoas Ganz
Street Art San Francisco Mission Muralismo edited by Annice Jacoby
Mural Art: Murals on Huge Public Surfaces Around the World by Kirakoss Iosifidis
Sama-sama/Together published by Jam Karet Press
San Francisco Street Art by Steve Rotman
On the Lower Frequencies by Erick Lyle
Reclaiming San Francisco by Chris Carlsson
Hollow City by Rebecca Solnit
The San Francisco Labor Landmarks Guidebook by Susan Sherwood and Catherine Powell
San Francisco Bay Area Murals by Timothy Drescher
Rebels, Reformers, and Racketeers: How Insurgents Transformed the Labor Movement by Herman Benson
CAMP has been included in the following film and media productions:
Music video Storm by Lenny Kravitz, 2004
Examined Life, written and directed by Astra Taylor, 2009
Episode 2: I Am Also A We, Sense 8, created by Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski, J. Michael Straczynski, 2015
Episode 3: Thank You, San Francisco, Girl Boss, created by Kay Cannon, 2017
Episode 1: Coming Home, Tales of the City, created by Lauren Morelli, 2019
CAMP press includes:
Anthro Magazine, Palo Alto High School’s Social Activism Magazine, Michela Seah, Anya Lassila, Karlene Salas
El Tecolote, Visual Messaging in Support of Justice for All, Megan Wilson
Radio Farda
BBC Persian
Radio Farda Instagram
Persian Media Production
Radio Zamaneh
NBC Bay Area
San Francisco Travel Agency, The Arts of San Francisco: Freedom To Create
MJ Lifestyle, Made In The City: The Social Justice Issue
El Tecolote, Palestine Solidarity Art Censored After Political Pressure, by Paisley Trent
Atlas Obscura, “Clarion Alley”
National Geographic, “21 ways to have a perfect day in San Francisco”, by Chris Flink, February 14, 2019
Stop Digging, “Tax the Rich? New Polling — and Colorado History — Suggests It’s Possible”, by The Colorado Fiscal Institute and The Bell Policy Center, February 11, 2019
Chronicle, Datebook, Ryan Kost
SFCurbed, Adam Brinklow
SF Weekly, Jonathan Curiel
KQED, HarianMerapi
SuaraMerdeka, Suara Kedu
SF Weekly, Nuala Sawyer Bishari
Outrage, Michael David dela Cruz Tan
Mouvement, Chrystelle Desbordes
bitch media, S.E. Smith
Medium, Christopher Statton
Street Sheet, Jamie Andan
Mission Local, Susie Neilson & Luis Hernandez
Canadian Dimension, Daphne Bramham
SF Station, Cheryl Guerrero
SFist, Joe Kukura
The Peninsula Press, Lila Thulin
Liberation, Paul B. Preciado
American Way, Jonathan Curiel
The Mercury News, Tracy Seipel
Tuscon Weekly, David Safier
New York Times, Mike McPhate
Mission Local, William Mercer McLeod
Stanford Daily, The Grind, Clarissa Gutierrez
SFist, Jay Barmann
Hoodline, Rose Garrett and Alisa Scerrato
SF Weekly, Peter Lawrence Kane
SF Weekly, Jonathan Curiel
Telesur English
Beyond Chron, Randy Shaw
70 Magazine, Janet Gyenes
SF Gate, Bob Bragman
Austin Sun, Dan Hubig
Curbed SF, Adam Brinklow
San Francisco Magazine, Caitlin Harrington
SF Curbed, Adam Brinklow
KQED, Sarah Hotchkiss
SFGate, Amy Graff
KQED, Rafael Roy
Triple Dog Dare, Marie Tollon
The Guardian, Rebecca Solnit
7×7, James Vest
Dazed, Shirin Kale
Dazed (second article), Shirin Kale
The Globe & Mail, John Lee
huck, Alex King
Wall Street International, Patricia Garcia Herrero
KQED, Olivia Allen-Price
SFist, Joe Kukura
CBS San Francisco
The Zephyr, Stanford University, Casey McGannon
Vets Equity Center, Abigail David
Peninsula Peace & Justice Center, TruthDig, Chris Heges
SF Chronicle, Tim O’Rourke
SFgate, Bob Bragman
AAWAA, Melanie Rose
Philippine Daily Inquirer, Nicole Go Thorp
Huffington Post, Carly Ledbetter
Mission Local, Ima B. Curmudgeonly
Buzzfeed, Abe Forman-Greenwald
The Guardian
Mission Local, Cristiano Valli
KQED, Kristin Farr
SFist, Eve Batey
Forbes, Nick Hauser
San Francisco Public Press, Leslie Nguyen-Okwu
CNN, Richard Ehrlich
SFgate, Ellen Huet
Uptown Almanac, Kevin Montgomery
SFWeekly, Emma Silvers
SF Bay Guardian
OnPublico, Santiago Corredoira
Bold Italic, Jennifer Maerz
SF Weekly, Jonathan Curiel
MissionMission, Ariel Dovas
O ZY, Jared Frazer
SFist, Andrew Dalton
Gizmodo, Jordon Kushins
KQED, Christian Frock
XPress Magazine, Dani Hutton
SF Bay Guardian, Nicole Gluckstern
Uptown Almanac (3rd article) Kevin Montgomery
Uptown Almanac (2nd article) Kevin Montgomery
Uptown Almanac (1st article), Kevin Montgomery
Mission Local, Molly Oleson
MissionMission, Allan Hough
The Late Edition, Behnood Mokri
Huffington Post, Carly Schwartz
MissionLocal, Erik Neumann
Examiner, Ed Uyeshima
Juxtapoz Magazine
Los Angeles Times, Angela Frucci
SF Bay Guardian, Caitlin Donohue
Heavy, Graham Johnson
Catster, Janine McCaffrey Kahn
New York Times, Louise Rafkin
Mission Local, Heather Smith
Uptown Almanac, Kevin Montgomery
El Pais, Jordi Pastor
Planet Magazine, Terry Hwang
El Tecolote
Art Papers, Robyn Wise, Jan/Feb
Giant Robot
SF Bay Guardian, Best of The Bay
San Francisco Chronicle, Datebook, May 2nd
SF Bay Guardian, Lynn Rapoport
Bernas, July 26th
Kedaulatan Rakyat, July 8th
Kedaulatan Rakyat, July 18th
Kompas, July 12th
Radar Jogja, July 16th
Radar Jogja, July 17th
Jakarta Post, Ade Tanesia
Jakarta Post, Sri Wahyuni
Bernas, July 25th
Bernas, August 6th
Guardian, Glen Helfand
San Francisco Examiner, Bruce Bellingham
SFStation, Amy Gelbach
SF Bay Guardian, Lynn Rapoport
SF Bay Guardian, Lynn Rapoport (text version)
Public Art Review, Fall/Winter
Bang! Naked City
The Independent, Johnny Brannon
San Francisco Chronicle, Mark Martin
New Mission News, Silicon Satan
CAMP responds to Silicon Satan, New Mission News
New Mission News
New Mission News (second article)
San Francisco Sidewalk, Lex Lonehood
SF Bay Guardian, Lindsay Westbrook
SF Weekly, Marcy Friedman
SF Bay Guardian, Lindsay Westbrook (2nd Article)
New Mission News, Paula Tejada
San Francisco Examiner, David Bonetti
Castro Star, Bob Burnside
SF Bay Guardian, Art Beats
The Potrero View
San Francisco Examiner, Scott Winokur
New Mission News
Bay Area Reporter, Robert Friedman
New Mission News, Nicole Volpe