History: New Millennium 2000 – 2009

Sons of Saya, Kelly Ording and Jet Martinez, 2006


Selections from the archives of CAMP and contributions by others 2000 – 2009:


CAMP Ephemera 2000 – 2005:


Art Strikes Back!

We are in the eye of one of the most intense and thorough-going storms of acquisition and consolidation of wealth and power in history, one that is leaving a larger share of humanity out of its benefits while expanding its exploitive capabilities over them, and is able, at the very same moment, to tell the world with a straight face that it is about empowerment for all!
– From the Art Strikes Back Manifesto, 2000

Art Strikes Back was an 8-week performance series along San Francisco’s Valencia corridor in the summer of 2000 that former 47 Clarion resident and artist Lise Swenson and CAMP organizer Megan Wilson (Tim Costigan helped in the early planning) launched in response to the unprecedented level of evictions and displacement that San Francisco was experiencing during the Bay Area’s first dotcom boom. Over 70 artists participated and the project was covered in local, national, and international publications, including the San Francisco Chronicle, National Public Radio, and the London Telegraph.

Artists included: Angela Bauch, Art Cheerleaders, Eugenio Brodbeck, Tanya Calamoneri, Francine Cavanaugh, Shelly Cook, Jaime Cortez, Lisi DeHaas, Krista DeNio, Devil-Ettes, Kate Ellis, Leigh Evans, Jennifer Fong, Carla Kihlstedt, Nils Frykdahl, Suzanne Gallo, Rene Garcia, Karen Garman, Susan Gray, Martha Gorzcki, Tsering Gurung, Russell H., Kinji Hayashi, Keith Hennessy, Marin Sander Holzman, Jeff Hull, Lissa Ivy, Rachel Kaplan, Marci Klane, Keith Knight, John Leaños, Shinichi Momo Koga, Joshua Kohl, Joe Kreiter, Travis Leland, Angela Leonino, Aerlia MacLaird, Mano Gen. Z, Susan Maxwell, Dawn McCarthy, Marni McMurdy, Liz Miller, Haruko Nishimura, Michael Olexo, Lisa Marie Patzer, Gerardo Perez, Monica Praba Pilar, Dan Rathbun, Laurence Roberts, Heather Rogers, Sue Roginski, Val Russell, David Sarpal, Sonny Smith, Moe Staiano, Lise Swenson, Cassie Terman, Gabrielle Thormann, Megan Wilson, Gordon Winiemko, Winter, Joyce Ycasas, Kezia Zichichi.

Many of the project’s performances and actions took place on Clarion Alley.



Installation of Home/Casa by Megan Wilson, 2000

edited by Christopher Statton


Ephemera from CAMP’s Sama-Sama/Together International Exchange, 2003:


The Ghost of Barry McGee, 2004

In 2004 CAMP’s community partner Community Thrift needed to replace the rollup door on Clarion Alley that artist Barry McGee’s mural was painted on (1994). CAMP discussed various possibilities with McGee, who decided that he wanted the work destroyed. Subsequently, Aaron Noble buffed the entire mural out while Megan Wilson and Lise Swenson documented the process.


Oasis For Girls, Fists of Fury, Hearts of Gold, 2004



 CAMP Ephemera 2006 – 2009


Judith Butler & Sunaura Taylor segment from the film Examined Life, directed by Astra Taylor