The San Francisco Poster Syndicate (@sfpostersyndicate) grew out of the crisis around higher education– student debt and the abuse of adjunct faculty. Continuing the rich history of posters as a form of political messaging The Poster Syndicate creates and screen prints original political images. The collective prints the posters live at political actions, exhibitions, and on the street, and gives away the work in order to target a variety of current social/economic justice issues. The Poster Syndicate brings art and design to many different people’s movements in hopes that their message can be heard and seen by a greater audience.
CAMP began working with the SF Poster Syndicate in October 2016, initially creating the mural The Deck is Stacked, Vote No On Prop Q, accompanied by live screenings of posters on Clarion Alley that were given way. Following the 2016 Election, the Vote No On Pro Q mural was replaced by the Poster Syndicate with a new mural Cultivating Resistance. The Collective has continued to work with CAMP, regularly organizing live screen printings of their political posters on Clarion Alley.
CAMP supported the Women of the Resistance Poster Portfolio and CAMP co-director Christopher Statton designed the posters of Cecilia Chung and Barbara Lubin with designer Christina de la Cruz; and CAMP co-director Megan Wilson designed the poster of Lara Kiswani.