Afatasi The Artist / Manifest Differently at ATA

🔸Exhibition Opening🔸

Afatasi The Artist 

Opening Reception:                        Sunday, January 7th, 3-5 pm

Artists’ Television Access (ATA):   992 Valencia St, San Francisco, CA 94110

🔸 Afatasi is a mixed-media conceptual artist, futurist, and proud native San Franciscan. Her artwork is a continuous exploration of the  intersectionality of race, culture, gender, class, and geopolitics. Past injustices have shaped present-day realities, so what does this mean for our futures? The mediums used to navigate this question include textile, metalwork, and mixed-media visual arts.

Led by CAMP,  Manifest Differently is a new project developed by Megan Wilson and Kim Shuck. In 2023/24, we are working with 38 diverse, multigenerational visual/media artists and poets to interrogate the history of Manifest Destiny and its legacies of inherited and perpetuated violence, trauma, and addiction. The outgrowth of resistance and resilience – giving fire to movements for social/ culture change. The project will be presented in 2023/24 at three locations – Clarion Alley Mural Project (CAMP), Artists’ Television Access (ATA), and Minnesota Street Project.