Guest Blog by Kristin Silver, Art Teacher, Bowman School, Palo Alto
There is a fleeting moment that I cherish as an educator, the moment when you see a child’s eyes light up with a sense of true understanding and passion for something outside of them self. Several of these moments happened during a visit to Clarion Alley a few months ago. I had the pleasure of bringing two of my 6th grade students to the alley to meet with Megan Wilson. Megan took an enormous amount of time and care walking us through the alley and discussing the myriad of colorful and expressive pieces contained within. As we walked she pointed out various forms of vandalism, the unfortunate risk to public art. In most cases it might be a small tag, but in less fortunate cases an entire work of art might be destroyed by the selfish acts of another.
– Kristin Silver, Bowman School
Thank you Kristin and the Bowman School – CAMP loves working with teachers like you and schools such as the Bowman School that really support their students’ creativity and love of learning and knowledge to help them reach their dreams and promise!