Report from Yogyakarta Indonesia – March 4, 2017

CAMP co-directors Megan Wilson and Christopher Statton are currently in Jogjakarta Indonesia planning the next international exchange Bangkit / Arise between San Francisco and Jogjakarta, co-curated and organized with Professor Nano Warsono, artist, curator, and professor of painting at ISI (Institut Seni Indonesia) and Professor Bambang Toko, artist, curator and professor at ISI, scheduled to take place in 2018.

Bangkit / Arise is an international collaboration and exchange between community arts organizations and artists from San Francisco USA and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The project is designed to foster discussions, understanding, and action on the critical social/political issues facing our global communities today using art as a point of departure. Subjects to be addressed include: 1) Environmentalism and the critical need for a call to action; 2) Current geopolitical divisions and how we envision a world rooted in social justice, equtiy, and collaboration; and 3) The need for radical inclusion and understanding difference as a means of strength and the goal of collectively dismantling intersectional oppression.

This collaboration is also timely given the great need at this juncture in history for understanding and dialogue between Muslim and non-Muslim countries – art can provide a powerful means to facilitate such exchanges.

This past week in Yogyakarta (also Jogjakarta) Christopher and Megan:

Interviewed street artists Isrol Medialegal and Rolly LoveHateLove. Once we’re able to download and edit the videos, we will post. We also shared the work of The San Francisco Poster Syndicate with Isrol and Rolly.

Continued to reconnect with friends (teman teman). On Tuesday (Selasa) Megan and Christopher visited Ucup, co-founder of the former collective Taring Padi and one of the most amazing, talented, and compassionate artists working today … we also interviewed Ucup and will share when we’re able to download, edit, etc. Terima kasih Ucup and Nano!


Met at Woerung Pohon to discuss the next international exchange project Bangkit / Arise between artists and communities of Yogyakarta Indonesia and the SF Bay Area – with co-curators/artists/organizers Nano Warsono and Bambang Toko.

Bangkit / Arise is an international collaboration and exchange between artists and community-based organizations from the San Francisco Bay Area USA and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The project is designed to foster discussions, understanding, and action on the critical social/political issues facing our global communities today using art as a point of departure. Subjects to be addressed include: 1) Environmentalism and the critical need for a call to action; 2) Current geopolitical divisions and how we envision a world rooted in social justice, equtiy, and collaboration; and 3) The need for radical inclusion and understanding difference as a means of strength and the goal of collectively dismantling intersectional oppression.

This collaboration is also timely given the great need at this juncture in history for understanding and dialogue between Muslim and non-Muslim cultures– art can provide a powerful means to facilitate such exchanges.


Visited ACE HOUSE Collective – keren sangat (very cool) art collective that supports young artists through residencies and mentoring!!! Sip!  Terima kasih Nano or introducing us!


Visited Cemeti – Institute for Art and Society and talked with Sanne Oorthuizen, Co-Chief Curator about Cemeti’s new direction and the latest project ‘Maintenance Works.’

Cemeti was the first art space Megan visited in Yogyakarta Indonesia in 2001 and it was Cemeti who first introduced her to Yogya’s vibrant and supportive arts community. Over the past 16 years they have always had solid, engaging work that is ahead of the curve – terima kasih Cemeti!!


Street art ke Jalan Tirtodipuran … banyak seni teman