Great Upcoming Event by CAMP Community Partner Queering Dreams!

Check out this great upcoming event hosted by Queering Dreams!

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH, 2021, 4:30 PM – 6:45 PM PST

60-second Advocacy

by Momos Cheeskos


Calling all artists, abolitionists, students, organizers, public commentors, seniors, & cultural workers!

Join seasoned advocate, performer, and arts administrator Momos Cheeskos in an engaging, fun, and playful workshop where by the end you’ll have a 60-second recorded pitch on something you are passionate about. Using improv, repetition, and some sneaky facilitation tricks, Momos will make it easy for you to share exactly how you feel. This is especially perfect for anyone who gives public comment during public meetings, where all you’ve got is 60-seconds or less. Remember: 60-second Advocacy only takes a minute.

This workshop qualifies as professional development. Depending on your locality, organization, or business, there may be professional development funds available. We are happy to provide a Letter of Support or other documentation necessary to more easily access any of those funds.

Get your tickets HERE!


Momos Cheeskos is a Black Queer Woman, activist, storyteller, visual artist/performance, festival producer and percussionist with years of successful experience as a multi-talented, public facing performer and producer. She is also a dynamic Creativity/Life Coach, Co-Director of Arts.Co.Lab, Emerging Art Professionals Alumni/Mentor and Culture Equity Advocate.


Jason Wyman is Queerly Complex, an anti-binary social practice artist living & creating on Yelamu, unceded Ramaytush Ohlone land or what colonizers named San Francisco. A mystical convener, Wyman creates spaces for comrades to explore & discover who they be individually & collectively. They work with dreams, value(s), structures, & equity to conjure forms of liberation & healing. Wyman’s art-making centers the messy, intangible, emotive, & esoteric bits that make us human. It’s resulted in a large-scale, participatory sticker mural with artists Celi Tamayo-Lee & Mary-Claire Amable for the Asian Art Museum, a national Youth Media Network co-produced with Myah Overstreet, a fully immersive installation at Black & White Projects called Be Jason, & numerous zines, site-speciic performances, social interventions, and intergenerational programs.