Please join us for the Opening Celebration and Mural Unveiling for Manifest Differently on Clarion Alley. This community-based event features new murals, speakers, music, and poetry. We hope to see you there!
Led by Clarion Alley Mural Project, Manifest Differently is a new project developed and directed by Megan Wilson and Kim Shuck. Over the next year, 2023/24, we’ll be working together with 38 diverse, multigenerational visual/media artists and poets to interrogate the history of Manifest Destiny and its legacies of inherited and perpetuated violence, trauma, and addiction, and the outgrowth of resistance and resilience – giving fire to movements for social/ culture change. The project is supported by independent curator Trisha Lagaso Goldberg, California historian Barbara Berglund Sokolov, humanities advisors Mary Jean Robertson, Kyoko Sato, Fuifuilupe Niumeitolu, Anita Chang, and David A. M. Goldberg.