Image Courtesy of Zeina Barakeh Myth of Four Works in Videos by SWANA (South West Asia and North Africa) Artists August 6 – August 20, 2022 From Zamin Project Series, presented by Clarion Alley Mural Project Co-presented by Hamzianpour & Kia Gallery in Los Angeles In collaboration with Clarion Alley Mural Project Hamzianpour […]
Peykan Party! SWANA Gathering
Saturday, July 16, 8pm Artists’ Television Access 992 Valencia Street, San Francisco Dress Accordingly – think 80’s & 90’s
Myth of 4 in July
Myth of 4 /افسانه ۴ Works of Videos, a Live Performance, and Artists’ Talks by Iranian and SWANA Artists June 10- August 28, 2022 Myth of 4, is a new series of Zamin Project founded by Shaghayegh Cyrous, and, presented by Clarion Alley Mural Project, showcasing new videos and performances by ten Iranian […]
Please join CAMP for three Zamin Project events/ performances/ conversations in June
Bangkit/Arise San Francisco: Gotong Royong!
First, as a introduction or reminder to those who might not be familiar with Bangkit/Arise, here is a brief summary: Bangkit/Arise is an international arts exchange and residency between artists from the San Francisco/Bay Area, USA and Yogyakarta Indonesia. The lead sponsoring organization for Bangkit/Arise is Clarion Alley Mural Project, based in San Francisco in […]
ARISE: The Power of Political Art
ARISE Art Opening May 2018 from Art Forces on Vimeo. Directed and produced by Susan Greene and Art Forces Cinematography – David Garcia Editing – David Garcia Music – George Lammam On May 1 – 30, 2018 Clarion Alley Mural Project (CAMP), Art Forces, and AROC (Arab Resource and Organizing Center) presented ARISE! Power of Political Art, […]
Bangkit/Arise San Francisco Semangat!
SEMANGAT! (collective vibrant spirit) and Kebanyakan! (too much) have both become mantras of the first San Francisco phase of Bangkit/Arise – as our insanely ambitious schedule over the course of the 8-week residency came to feel like every day represented a week and every week represented a month. By the final week, those mantras, in combination […]
BANGKIT/ARISE Yogya Departure – San Francisco Arrival/Introduction
Bangkit/Arise is an international arts exchange and residency between artists from the San Francisco/Bay Area, USA and Yogyakarta Indonesia. The lead sponsoring organization for Bangkit/Arise is Clarion Alley Mural Project, based in San Francisco in collaboration with the Asian Art Museum Chong Moon Lee Center for Asian Art and Culture. The projects partners in Yogyakarta […]
Urip Iku Urup – Life Is a Flame To Enlighten (versi Bahasa Indonesian)
“Urip Iku Urup” mengacu pada filosofi Jawa yang diajarkan oleh Sunan Kalijaga atau Sunan Kalijogo, seorang tokoh Wali Songo (orang-orang suci Islam di Indonesia) yang sangat dekat dengan Muslim di Jawa) karena kemampuannya untuk memasukkan pengaruh Islam ke dalam Tradisi Jawa. Keyakinannya adalah bahwa hidup itu seperti cahaya atau api yang seharusnya bermanfaat bagi […]
Urip Iku Urup – Life Is a Flame To Enlighten
“Urip Iku Urup” refers to the Javanese philosophy taught by Sunan Kalijaga or Sunan Kalijogo, a figure of Wali Songo (respected Islamic saints in Indonesia) who are closely related to Muslims in Java) because of its ability to incorporate Islamic influence into in the Javanese tradition. His belief was that life is like light or […]
Kampung ke Kampus – Kampus ke Kampung (versi Bahasa Indonesian)
Pada fase pertama dari bagian Yogyakarta di perumahan Bangkit / Bangkit dan pertukaran mereda, saya bisa dengan jujur mengatakan pengalaman telah jauh melebihi semua harapan. Semua seniman SF / Bay Area dan mitra CAMP Allison Wyckoff, Associate Director, Program Publik + Komunitas di Asian Art Museum San Francisco sangat berterima kasih atas kemurahan hati, kreativitas […]
Kampung ke Kampus – Kampus ke Kampung
As the first phase of the Yogyakarta part of the Bangkit/Arise residency and exchange is winding down, I can honestly say the experience has far exceeded all expectations. All the SF/Bay Area artists and CAMP’s partner Allison Wyckoff, Associate Director, Public + Community Programs at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco are so grateful for the […]
Bangkit/Arise Keluarga Besar (versi Bahasa Indonesia)
Bangkit/Arise adalah pertukaran dan pertukaran seni publik internasional pertama dan satu-satunya dari San Francisco Bay Area (mungkin Amerika Serikat) yang dikembangkan untuk menyertakan dan mendukung keluarga. Sementara co-direktur CAMP, Megan Wilson dan Christopher Statton pada awalnya tidak memahami Bangkit/Arise sebagai residensi dan pertukaran keluarga, struktur yang diperluas ini terbentuk melalui kurasi awal dan terus berkembang […]
Bangkit/Arise Keluarga Besar
Bangkit/Arise is one of the first international public arts exchanges and residencies from the San Francisco Bay Area developed to include and support families. While CAMP co-directors Megan Wilson and Christopher Statton didn’t initially conceive of Bangkit/Arise as a residency and exchange inclusive of families, this expanded structure took shape through the initial curation and continued […]
Desa Panggungharjo! (bahasa Indonesian versi)
Bangkit / Arise membangun dan memperluas hubungan yang awalnya dikembangkan melalui CAMP pertama di San Francisco / Bay Area USA / Jogjakarta Indonesia seni publik dan pertukaran komunitas-residensi SamaSama / Bersama yang diluncurkan pada tahun 2003. Dalam mengembangkan kerangka kerja untuk penyelenggara proyek Bangkit / Arise Megan Wilson, Christopher Statton, Nano Warsono, dan Farhansiki (Farhan […]
Desa Panggungharjo!
Bangkit /Arise is building on and expanding the relationships that were initially developed through CAMP’s first San Francisco/Bay Area USA / Jogjakarta Indonesia public art and community exchange-residency SamaSama/Together that was launched in 2003. In developing the framework for Bangkit/Arise project organizers Megan Wilson, Christopher Statton, Nano Warsono, and Farhansiki (Farhan was one of the original organizers, however, […]
Semangat! Bangkit/Arise!
When Nano Warsono, Christopher Statton and I began working together three years ago to develop the title and theme Bangkit/Arise, we were thinking about the power of resilience and the belief that it is possible to rise together as a critical mass to demand and create a world rooted in compassion, justice, and equity. More […]
Bangkit/Arise Yogyakarta Begins
CAMP’s international exchange and residency project with Yogyakarta Indonesia, Bangkit/Arise has begun. CAMP co-directors Megan Wilson and Christopher Statton arrived in Yogyakarta on July 26th to work with Yogyakarta artist and scholar Nano Warsono to prepare for the rest of the San Francisco/Bay Area crew to arrive on July 3rd: artists Shaghayegh Cyrous, Kevan Shovir, Jose […]
LIT CRAWL 2016 Home: Narratives of Place & Displacement
CAMP will be participating in this year’s Lit Crawl: Saturday, October 15 2016 6 – 7pm at Noisebridge 2169 Mission Street – between 17th & 18th Streets – near Clarion Alley Clarion Alley Mural Project artists and writers reflect on their experiences of place and displacement, including being evicted, living on the streets, and […]