The Tragedy of the Ghost Ship

This past weekend the Bay Area and the world lost the lives of many beloved creative members of our communities locally and beyond in the fire at the Ghost Ship warehouse in Oakland.
CAMP is devastated by the losses. Let’s please help support one another.


The following are resources for information and how to help:

Information on How To Donate to The Fire Victims and Their Families 

Articles that CAMP has found to be informative:

For trans women killed by Oakland fire, struggle for respect continues in death by Sam Levin, The Guardian

Oakland fire victims: teacher, students and pivotal local artists among the dead by Sam Levin and Alan Yuhas, The Guardian

Oakland warehouse fire is product of housing crisis, say artists and advocates by Sam Levin, The Guardian

School of the Arts community seeks healing after ‘Ghost Ship’ fire claims two of its own by Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez, The Examiner

Profiles of those who died in huge warehouse fire in Oakland, Staff, San Francisco Chronicle

Here’s What It Was Like Inside The Deadly Oakland Warehouse Party Fire by Stephanie M. Lee and Priya Anand, BuzzFeed